Applications Of Mechanical Face Seals

Mechanical seals or heavy duty seals are specially designed for rotating applications in extreme environments that resist severe wear and prevent the entry of harsh, abrasive envelopes. Mechanical Face Seal is available in Heavy Duty Seal, Face Seal, Lifetime Seal, Floating Seal, Duo Cone Seal, Toric Seal, Mechanische Laufwerkdichtungen (Bulgarian), Mekaniske (Bulgarian), Механични Челни Уплътнения (Danish), Mekaaninen otsatiiviste Joints d 'Etanchéité Axiaux (in French), Mechaniczne Uszczelnienie Czołowe (in Polish), Juntas espejo (in Spanish), Mekaniska Glidringstätningar (in Swedish). There are two types of Mechanical Face Seals / Heavy Duty Seals. The DO type is the most common form of using o-rings as secondary sealing elements The DF type is a secondary sealing element, i nstead of O-ring In both types, two identical metal seal rings are mounted on two separate housings facing each other on the wrapped seals. The metal ring is centered within the housing by an e...